Thursday, September 5, 2024

Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!



Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!

In the second instance, after the war, Krishna along with Pandavas arrived at Hastinapur. All the sons of Dhritarashtra and dKunti were killed in the war. Gandhari mother of 100 was left childless. In that fit of pain and rage, she cursed Krishna “You are considered God. If it is true, then you would’ve known the outcome of this war. And yet, you let it start and then go on. You could’ve stopped the war and all the devastations of wars with a single thought. And yet, you chose not to! You could have stopped all the bloodshed. And you chose not to put your ability to good use. And that way you are responsible for the death of my 100 sons. The pain of losing 100 sons is borne by me. I curse you to bear the same pain – may your clan be completely wiped out and you be in no position to stop it. you be the witness of that destruction”.

Lord Krishna accepted the curse. Not because he deserved it, but as God, it was His Grace and unconditional love for the devotee to accept all that the devotee offers Him be it a curse even!

God can end any calamity. HE has the ability to change the course of any event. Yes, both facts are true! Yet, he chooses not to. Not because HE wants us to suffer. NO! Because HE lets the Divine Law of Karma take its course.

Each one of us sow enough to bring about our downfall!  But, when the time to bear the consequences comes, we blame the Guru or God for being insensitive. When we are arrogant enough to run our life our way, we should be man enough to bear the repercussions too! We can’t have it one way only!


# Me My Guru series, Bhagavatam, Krishna accepts the curse, destruction of Yadavas, the lost city of Dwaraka, curse and blessings, fate and destiny, karma, as we sow so we reap, cause and effect, 

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