Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!



Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!

Now, when prosperity comes, it becomes a very conducive atmosphere for people to become complacent, avaricious, and egoistic – in short, one becomes adharmic.

“Good times are proved to have broken more people than bad times”.

It is in good times that ‘the real character’ of the person exhibits itself.

They became slaves to intoxicants and lost their hold on right and wrong. They became promiscuous. They gambled. They became headstrong, arrogant and selfish. Their character was questionable on every count.

Krishna was highly disappointed. His life’s agenda was to establish “Dharm”. Yet, his own people were not following dharm. In fact, their every word and act was filled with adharm. Krishna was instrumental in shaping their lives from scratch to this state of opulence. He had taken them to the glorious heights of opulence. And yet, when Krishna saw that his people were drunk with ego and ignorance, he knew this had to end. 

Lord Krishna knew his life agenda crystal clear. He knew war had to come to vanquish all that was ‘adharmic (unrighteous) and protect ‘dharmic’. He had to uphold “Dharm”. That meant – there was no scope for favourtism, partiality or favourite kith and kin too! He saw “Yadavas” (the clan of Krishna was called Yadavas) drunk with all that was wrong. He knew that had to go!


# Me My Guru series, Bhagavatam, Krishna accepts the curse, destruction of Yadavas, the lost city of Dwaraka, curse and blessings, fate and destiny, karma, as we sow so we reap, cause and effect, 

also read suggested  https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+My+Guru+%E2%80%93+On+attachments%2C+faith+and+commitments....

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