Sunday, September 15, 2024

Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven



Me, my Guru – The Blacksmith in heaven

He was overjoyed that he had been assigned heaven by God himself. And yet, he said “I seek God to give me a few more days to live for my neighbor is very serious and there is no one to take care of him. Let him get well and then I’ll come”.” – Everyone would be pleased to hear that God approves of his way of living. So did the blacksmith.

He didn’t ask for an extension of life as presumed by many.

He didn’t want to live long.

He was given HEAVEN. Understand this clearly and correctly. Heaven is the place everyone wants to go. There is no pain or suffering there. Who doesn’t want to go there? And that heaven is not “grabbed” by the blacksmith even when it is given to him by the God himself. See the greatness and purity of his character in this one act of his. His choice reflects his noble quality.

He wanted to help his neighbor and hence chose to stay back away from heaven. If you get this straight you’ll understand his ‘great’ quality.

But each time the Angel came, the blacksmith had a reason to stay back to help someone in that village. Once it was that someone was sick, the other time it was marriage in someone’s house and so on.” – He wanted to stay back to help those in need of his services. He chose to serve others over heaven. That is selflessness. That is the purity of intent. That is a noble quality that pleases God!

He does this not once or twice but many times.

Just imagine – he is tempted with an offer of heaven so many times and yet, he chooses serving others over his stay in heaven. How would you rate him as a person? How would you see his character? Do you know anyone of that character?


# Me my guru series, blacksmith in heaven, heaven and hell, sacrifice, seva, on helping others, purity of intent, selflessness, honesty, humility, 

also read suggested 

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