Monday, September 9, 2024

Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real life situation!


Me, My guru – working of Karma noted in a real life situation!

Today, the topic was hot – how bad people got away with their deeds. Most of us were exchanging the wrongs done to us with each other. And we all found one thing in common – that the wrongdoers roamed scot-free. That pained us a lot. If we share this information with our Guru she would say something like “Forgive them or move on. She’ll ask us to concentrate on building our lives”. But today, we didn’t want that lecture. We just wanted justice. We wanted them to suffer for their wrongdoings. Wouldn’t that be a lesson for all not to commit such crimes? Well, at least that was our line of argument.

Prepared to meet her logic and suggestions we dared to ask the question “Guruji, why do you believe that karma works? Because, all around we see people enjoying their lives inspite of them hurting, cheating, manipulating, lying and poisoning others’ lives. Where is justice? How can you say that karma is justice-based?” asked Sanjay.

“Simply because I’ve seen it in umpteen cases” replied our Guru.

We thought she would quote Rama, Krishna and we would counter that.

We had our argument against forgiveness and yet she didn’t go there. We were prepared to attack those and such explanations but here she was talking something completely different from what we expected.

Our Guru continued “It is very simple. I’ll give you a few real-life every time examples. Listen and understand for yourself how karma acts and comes back.

Though these examples are real, this is not the only way karma works every time. These examples are not to be taken as a whole. This is one of the ways karma works. That’s how you are to understand it.


# Me My guru series, karma, everything happens for a reason, as you sow so you reap, on receiving and giving, good and bad deeds, the effect of our actions and deeds,

also read suggested 

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