Monday, September 2, 2024

Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!



Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!

Devaki and Vasudeva assumed Kamsa wouldn’t kill a girl child. But, Kamsa didn’t flinch. He tried to kill her too. But the child flew from his hands and warned Kamsa that the real 8th born was safe and sound. One day he would be back to kill Kamsa. Kamsa was both terrified and devastated. Years rolled by. Stories of Krishna – the 8th born of Devaki and Vasudeva spread far and wide. Though he was called Nanda and Yashoda’s son, Kamsa realized he was the one he had been fearing about. So, he sent for Krishna. He invited Krishna to his capital Mathura.

There, Krishna still in his teens found Kamsa, his maternal uncle, and vanquished him. Kamsa was just not an ordinary king. He was very powerful and a very skilled fighter. He was also dear to the then-emperor Jarasandha, not just because of his prowess but also for being Jarasandha’s son-in-law.

Jarasandha being an Emperor was a foe no one dared to have. As such, no king was ready to stand by Mathura and Krishna. Jarasandha’s army came to kill Krishna. The people of Mathura sought protection from Krishna. He realized he was still a kid not yet ready to face the mighty army of Jarasandha. So, he took the people of Mathura along with kids, old and cattle and marched towards the present day Gujarat. Then, Gujarat was a dense forest. No one was believed to come out of that forest alive. Jarasandha’s army felt Krishna and his aides would anyhow meet their end in that dangerous forest. So, they left them. 

Krishna with his people cleared the forest, cultivated the land, and built a big, prosperous, magnificent, glorious city of Dwaraka. Trade prospered. Slowly Dwaraka became a powerful and prosperous state. It grew powerful too!

All the kings of Aryavarta, then Bharath considered Krishna as the king-maker. He played a he role in the politics of Aryavarta.

Now, when prosperity comes, it becomes a very conducive atmosphere for persons to become complacent, avaricious, egoistic – in short become adharmic.

“Good times are proved to have broken more people than bad times”.

It is in good times that ‘the real character’ of the person exhibits itself.


# Me My Guru series, Bhagavatam, Krishna accepts the curse, destruction of Yadavas, the lost city of Dwaraka, curse and blessings, fate and destiny, karma, as we sow so we reap, cause and effect, 

also read suggested 

and read how healing helps or works. When we heal but the results seems contradictory to our expectations how do we understand or accept that healing and God are with us/working for us?

I am not going to give "Pointers to understand assuming you have got the knack to understand from all the pointers I have given to date". 

Expecting you to enjoy the reading and also the understanding from all these posts...

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