Sunday, September 1, 2024

Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!


Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!

Our Guru came, straight to the class, sat down, and started straight away “Krishna had a maternal uncle named Kamsa. He was the ruler of Mathura. Krishna’s mother was Devaki. Devaki was Kamsa’s sister. Thus, Kamsa was Krishna’s uncle. Kamsa loved his sister – Devaki a lot. But, a heavenly voice predicted that Devaki’s eighth born would kill Kamsa.

Kamsa was alarmed. He was a very powerful king. With great power comes greater ego, arrogance and fear. Due to that fear, he decided to kill Devaki. King Vasudeva was Devaki’s husband. He was no match for Kamsa in power. So, he pleaded with Kamsa to take them as prisoners. He argued, “Devaki’s 8th born is destined to kill you. So, why kill Devaki. I’ll give you our 8th born. Do what you please to do with that kid”.

Kamsa saw reason in that argument and took them prisoners. When the child was born to Devaki, Kamsa didn’t wish to take any chance and killed it. Thus, he killed every child born to Devaki and Vasudeva.

But, when the 8th child was born he was smuggled by his father, Vasudeva out of the prison and left in his friend’s house – Nanda Gopal. Nanda’s wife had given birth to a girl child. Vasudeva and Nanda swapped the children. Now, Nanda’s girl child was shown as Devaki’s 8th born to Kamsa.


# Me My Guru series, Bhagavatam, Krishna accepts the curse, destruction of Yadavas, the lost city of Dwaraka, curse and blessings, fate and destiny, karma, as we sow so we reap, cause and effect, 

also read suggested

Suggestion worth understanding and applying every single time you read this blog - Look at the quotes/images very particularly. 

Not all of your questions are found in the written post. 

Some of your questions are answered via images.

Read the images/quotations more than once. You'll find your answer. You will find the solution to your problem. You will find a reason to rest your mind. You will find a way to come out of that agitated mind too!

They are not some random images. They are chosen for a reason.

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