Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!


Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!


Today, was not a great day. It was a bad day – actually! We had been coming to our Guru’s place since many years. We were in sadhan – almost regularly! And yet,
things and people in our lives shook us from time to time. At such times we were completely way led from our path. Our disturbed emotions gave us a joy ride through the hell that was very terrifying. The stations in this ride were anger, depression, sadness, hopelessness, frustration and even rage at times. Today too, we were riding on our emotions. When I entered the class, I found most of the others in the same fix. We shared our pain. We supported each other. We understood others’ plight.

When our Guru took her seat we blurted out “Why are we so helpless as humans? What is the way to be ever joyful? We do sadhan so regularly and yet why doesn’t Reiki/God not come to our aid in bringing us out of our pain and suffering?” our guru nodded. Her smile and nod said that she understood our plight. But we always felt that she didn’t. I mean, she seemed so cold and undisturbed when we went through hell. How could we believe that our Guru understood our plight?

First, she let us settle down a bit with tea and biscuits. She let us do our little talks without interrupting. And then, when we were relaxed a bit, she started narrating a story. She told us that it was from the Bhagavatham. It was a story of two little Patridges and the Mighty Ocean.

“In the good old days, when the day was pleasant, a young Patridge couple laid eggs. They were proud of their parenthood. But then, who isn’t? They kept looking at the eggs and smiled happily. They took turns to hatch the eggs.


# bhagavatham, patridge and the ocean, destiny and fate, resolve, intent, determination, breakdown situations and break through situations, Me my guru,

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read the link given to understand how God is ever sending help to the one who believes Him and seeks help from Him...

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