Sunday, September 22, 2024

Me, my Guru – Bhagavatam – Bhaktha Prahlad and Hiranyakashyap



Me, my Guru – Bhagavatam – Bhaktha Prahlad and Hiranyakashyap

If and when our love for the Divine knows no reason or season, then it makes us pure and innocent from within. Those are essential qualities that ‘moves mountains’ – through faith. Faith is just not a word. It is a state of existence of a ‘bhaktha’ where he becomes transformed into his object of love and exhibits the same qualities of the Divine – purity, innocence and love!

Hiranyakashyap was drunk so much with anger that it clouded his clarity. He couldn’t even see that he was trying to harm and kill his own and only son who was just a 7 year old kid! That’s how blinded we become with ego and anger. However powerful Hiranyakashyap was, still Prahlad was saved every single time because of his unwavering bhakthi and devotion for the God – Lord Vishnu. The same devotion when someone has for the demon, the results wouldn’t be the same – remember that. Only when the bhakthi is for the Divine will it give such results.

Being a sadhak, bhaktha or having faith doesn’t mean we’ll not have tough situations in life. We still may face cruel people in our lives. But, if we stick to sadhan, hold fast to our aradhya (Image of our beloved God), then it will protect us against all perils of this World and other too!

When a bad person does wrong then their karma comes as a curse and the punishments in their life. It causes them pain and suffering. It binds them to this World further.


# Me my Guru series, Prahlad and Hiranyakashyap, Bhagavatam, Bhaktha and samsari, materialistic and spiritual person, devotee, devotion, God protects those who trust him, God's grace, 

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1 comment:

Swati said...

Sadhan does help. It make you calm and gives strength to face the situation.
I do emotional healing and things are on track. Sometimes I miss out and I end up having a bad day. Many times it makes me think what is it that I am holding the relationship for. Reiki is helping to bind it as much as possible but what's the point when the relationship is empty with no understanding. .. today instead of reacting I was silent with thought in mind. Healing has helped me to not cluster my mind with negative old thought.
It has its ups it has its down still unable to understand.