Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Affection and courage!



Affection and courage!

Does not a drop of poison turn the vessel full of Amrutha (nectar) into poison?

Like-wise hatred within taints anything and anyone that comes in contact with it!

No doubt, Ravana inspite of having a harem of women as his queens was not satisfied with women and sex. And he brought about the downfall and annihilation of his entire race including sons and family! Inspite of having so many women he still longed for Sita! How can a heart full of hatred for Divine (here Shri Mahavishnu) ever know what love is? How can a heart filled with lust not have hatred in it? Lust is the basis of hatred!!! How can he ever know what satisfaction, peace and contentment is? All his relationships and achievements were based on lust and ego. No doubt, he was ever so restless and longing to usurp something or the other of others! That was the basis of his ‘emptiness’. Not being fulfilled by his desire was not the cause of his ‘emptiness’. His demonic nature was!


# affection and courage, on relationships, hatred, gratitude, purity, on valuing others and their deeds, love, 

also read suggested : 

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