Sunday, May 22, 2022

Reflections – on washing clothes



Reflections – on washing clothes

Then, why do or behave in such way that creates this karma? And in this case, it is so simple! Avoid ‘the friction’ of the soul. Start being ‘aware’ of how you are doing work in hand – be it official or just cleaning your toilet – just be aware of the quality of your wok. Don’t be drunk with ‘ego’ and jump to conclusion that ‘I am already giving a lot’ – No! Beware of that trap of ego! Don’t fall for that! Be alert!

Any job that is either given to you or you take up, just do it to the best of your abilities. And always give it a thought for at least ‘I minute’ afterwards.  Ask yourselves ‘how can I do it better’ always! Don’t get angry at yourself when you realize you could’ve done it better. Don’t’ go on saying ‘sorry ma’am’ to me too!

Just note it down and do Reiki for couple of minutes saying ‘this is how I am to handle this work/situation henceforth!’.

Now, next time when you are to do the job, you would apply ‘this better way of doing it’.

This time too, do the entire exercise and this way, keep checking yourself, your way of doing things and getting better at every single act in your life.


# reflections, spirituality in day-to-day life, mundane routines and yoga, being in the moment, purpose of life and situations of life, being aware, operating centre, consciousness, 

also read suggested : 

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