Sunday, May 15, 2022

On cloudy days



On cloudy days

Financial – it is possible that few of you (like me!) don’t have a job or income coming by now. Those who are getting are also probably not happy with their pay-checks. Whatever be the position, all I can say is ‘hold tight and keep healing – light is at the end of the tunnel and we certainly are almost there’!

So, become physically strong to be able to take the work load that’s going to come your way. Take all the rest your body needs now. You’ll not get it later nor can you complain about it then. So, you see Universe doesn’t punish us with these times – though most of us do deserve such punishment for our nature and attitudes! These times is a ‘necessary evil’. It is the much resting required for our body, intellect and soul. We also need to gather our emotions scattered periodically! Look back at your life. Each one had these periods. Some had every 5years and others every 8. That number may vary from person to person. But all had and that is important fact that we can’t overlook. 


# cloudy days, good and bad days, bad times, changing times in life, ups and downs of life, phases of life, change is constant, changes in life, seasons of life,

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