Tuesday, October 1, 2019

What's inside you?

What's inside you?

Image result for boy flying balloons  image sea shore

An orphan was standing on the beach looking at all the kids having fun with their parents and family. 

He saw those kids buying balloons and saw them 'let them go' off the balloons.

He noticed for sometime all these activities. After sometime, it hit him that the 'black balloons' flew higher than all the other coloured balloons.

He was surprised and amazed.

He came near the 'balloon man' and asked him for the explanation.

The balloon man smiled and said "It is not the colour of the balloon that decides its flight. It is what it is filled with that decides how high it flies. The black coloured balloons are filled with 'helium' and hence they fly higher than the rest of them."

what did you learn from this story?

Points to ponder and questions answered:

What makes one person a winner and the other loser?

What is the 'helium' that decides our flight in life?

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Just a thought -
Air in the balloon helps it travel with wind effortlessly. This can be compared with clear mind that helps us get through our days effortlessly.

Helium in the balloon helps it soar through the sky. Which translates to having faith that ‘I can get through a tough situation’ or ‘I can achieve my goal’ will help me reach my sky.

Air = clear mind, and helium = thoughts powered with faith.

I hope I am thinking in the right direction.
