Sunday, October 27, 2019

On creator and creation

On creator and creation

There are approximately (this is just the rough figure based on discoveries made till date.....not taken into account those of galaxies not yet discovered or noticed) one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.  

Can any of you even imagine the number given? I can't!

This is the level of creation and the work of 'The Creator' who is creating at such magnitude. And now, YOU THINK HE is busy TESTING YOU  and creating PROBLEMS FOR YOU?

Think aloud your thoughts!

Listen to yourself!

Do you really think HE is such a jobless and sadist to keep sending troubles our way?

HE just created us and the Universe! And left it to ourselves to sort and live our lives our way. HE knew our great desires and sense of 'right and wrong'. And so to keep everything in order all HE did was create 'simple laws of Nature' that govern all the 'beings'.

That is called as 'Law of karma' which states 'As we sow, so we reap' meaning whatever we are reaping today is the outcome of our 'good deeds' of all the yesterdays. 

And if what we are bearing now is painful, tough, disgusting then what does that mean?

Think, think about it!

Questions answered - 

Why am I suffering?

Why God/Guru/Reiki is not giving me what I want?

Why Guru/God are testing us by giving us what pains us?

I did pooja etc and yet my wish is not fulfilled?

Why am I suffering when all others are fine?

Also read for better understanding and revising all that you have forgotten or not wanting to consider while complaining/ suffering/ questioning etc......

karma, on fate and destiny, challenges of life, character, concept of God, dharma, 

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