Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Reflections – on washing clothes



Reflections – on washing clothes

Situations, people and acts of life have a purpose in life. It is to help us ‘express ourselves in the best possible version of ourselves’.

We’ve been wrongly thinking they are here to please us, benefit us, comfort us and be of use to fulfill our desires. And from that wrong assumption we’ve been conditioning their existence, role, behavior and how they should unfold in our life. Therefore, we were getting angry when things and people didn’t follow this protocol.

Now that we know where the problem is – all we’ve to do is make a shift in the way we use these ‘jobs’ and relationships in our life. We are to use them to help us to become our better self. They are just mirrors reflecting how we are, where we are wrong and how to correct ourselves. That’s all!

Knowing this, none of us I am sure would be willing to do any act below our 100% - right?

So, now the question “Are you giving 100%” means so different, right?

Come on – let’s get to work – 100% every single time!

Bye the way, did I do that with this post?



# reflections, spirituality in day-to-day life, mundane routines and yoga, being in the moment, purpose of life and situations of life, being aware, operating centre, consciousness, 

also read suggested : 

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