Monday, May 9, 2022

Further to sadhan time


Further to sadhan time

Further to -  

I would like to add that I appreciate all those who have participated on that day - in light circle.

Each one of you had an experience that was in line with the healing that was done that day!

Each one of you being right - it wasn't complete and hence one person's experience may not match with the other. No issues there. Be with your experience. Read others and know that that also has happened and see the magnanimity of that healing and its scope.

Now coming to today - I sent healing to all those who HAVE SHARED THEIR EXPERIENCES OF that day's light circle. 

This is in appreciation of their willingness and effort to put their experiences for others to see. Their nature to share needs to be appreciated and rewarded and so I did what I feel should be done....

This also would be clear that we receive based on our attitudes, choices, actions et all....

Every time you make an effort in the direction of developing your innate goodness, I wish to show my appreciation of the same by these simple acts of mine....

Keep up the good acts....don't stop and don't expect this returns every time and in other places...just keep doing it

every situation comes with a hidden opportunity to express our 'higher qualities'. Don't ever miss out of them....grab as many as you can....


Rahul Deshpande said...

Guru ji i got your blessings... today one of my friend came to my house today at 4 pm and in his car he took me to Sri sailam we reached at 9 .30 pm tomorrow morning ie on 10.may at 8 am i am going for Abhishekam inside temple and then mata darshan then we will start back to hyd via having ng darshan of jogalamba shaktipeeth. And all this is completely free of cost to me....thank you Reiki thank you guruji ...ALSO MY TOMORROW'S chanting of OM GURUBHYONAMAHA WILL BE DONE INSIDE TEMPLE

Sainath said...

Thank you, Guruji
Thank you, reiki