Thursday, May 19, 2022

Reflections – on washing clothes



Reflections – on washing clothes

You do see the order – right? In actuality, the second set should’ve gone into washing machine first so that they can be given for pressing immediately after. That way, those clothes would’ve one day to get dried up and second day it could conveniently sit with the ‘man who would press them’ (istri)

As these set would leave the cloth hangers free, I could’ve put my first set for washing. When they would dry, I could put the 3rd set to dry. They could stay put for couple of days – in case of rain or anything as there was no need to do any further action on them.

But, I didn’t do so. I put the 3rd set first. As the washing machine got filled, I realized the folly. And I couldn’t do anything about it now, I simply let it be.

Those of you who are bit confused, well I request you go through the writing once again!!

And yes, your confusion is well based though. Yes, as you rightly saw and thought, the above act doesn’t have any problem in it. At the first look we realize that there is nothing wrong in washing in any order. See, therein lies ‘Maya’ – the illusion. Wrong is very loud and clear. It is there for anyone to see. But when it is NOT WRONG but a better way of doing the right job, we tend to not notice that we are not following ‘the best way of doing it’.


# reflections, spirituality in day-to-day life, mundane routines and yoga, being in the moment, purpose of life and situations of life, being aware, operating centre, consciousness, 

also read suggested : 


Kshitija said...

As the first quote of the post rightly says .
I do the work and while doing it I realise I am not with the work and some thing is wrong due to this the work is done is a confused manner and the work is not done properly . I realise this and Then I start playing the drama as though I need to answer someone about the work done and then console myself saying to myself that I will do the work in a correct way next time but that next time never comes for certain work . The same is the case with people I think I will work on my relations with them next time but in some cases that next time never comes as some of them might have left the world and there is no way to mend the relation .

Kshitija said...

This post has also helped me in realising the following .

When ever we fall down our immediate instinct is we say AMMA .

After a few years of coming into reiki I have realised that involuntarily I am getting my gurus name .

First I never noticed it that I was taking her name but one day out of observation I noticed I am taking her name and I have noticed that I am able to do the things efficiently by taking her name it is like coming back to my centre . So, when ever I am running with my jet speed of thoughts I take her name I am becoming calm and do the work more effectively and efficiently.
Then I questioned my self what is happening when I say AMMA I have noticed that I am saying the word with some emptiness .

But , when I take my gurus name I am connecting to her energy , my memories of her , sometimes it’s her appearance, sometimes it’s the way she smiles , sometimes it’s the word she uttered , etc..

I wish to see her in each and every person of life.

I realised that am not able to do that because when I am trying to see her my mind is immediately starting the game of comparison between the person and my guru and my ego is coming into the picture ( maya ) so I stop myself from doing it .
I am unable to understand how to overcome this comparison of mine .
May be I should do rebirth with comparison or confusion or both ….

Kshitija said...

While going through the link provided in the above post I found the following post

I found the above post helpful too with reference to the current post also found an answer to the previous comment that I have posted .
Thank you reiki
Thank you guruji

Kshitija said...

Also found the following post

After reading the above post I got the answers for the second comment that I posted here