Friday, September 27, 2024

Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!



Me, My guru – Little Patridges and the mighty Ocean – Bhagavatham!

The Mighty Ocean just shrugged and went about his routine.

The Patridge Couple were deeply saddened. From their pain came anger. They felt they needed to teach the Mighty Ocean a lesson. So, they declared after much thought “Oh, Mighty Ocean, because you weren’t responsible enough to take care of our eggs and nest, we are going to fill you completely with sand. You’ll dry up soon. That is the punishment we chose to give you”.

The Mighty Ocean heard this and laughed. He didn’t bother to give a reply. He felt their decision and resolve highly impossible to be acted upon. He continued with his life happily!

Little by little, the two Patridges carried sand in their beaks and dropped into the Ocean. They did this continuously – all through the day without taking a break! They were watched by the other patridges. The other Patridges were amused at the sight. After watching them do this for quite sometime, they asked the Patridge couple “What are you both doing since morning and why?”

The Patridge couple narrated the entire story. Hearing the story, the other patridges asked “But, you both are such tiny birds. And your beaks are even smaller. How do you both think you can fill the Mighty Ocean with sand with your tiny beaks? How long will it take? It may take forever. What is the purpose of doing an act that may never give the result that you seek?”

The female Patridge replied “We don’t care how long it takes. We have to punish the Mighty Ocean for breaking his promise. We have made this decision. We’ll keep working on our resolve till we are! We’ll not stop before our resolve is fulfilled”.

The other Patridges were highly impressed seeing their love for their little ones and their resolve to fight against the Mighty Ocean. They felt as fellow partridges, they had to help the patridge couple in fulfilling their resolve.  They felt it was their duty to stand by their fellow bird.


# bhagavatham, patridge and the ocean, destiny and fate, resolve, intent, determination, breakdown situations and break through situations, Me my guru,

read also 

read the complete link - it is beautiful and answers so many of your questions.....

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