Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!



Me, My guru – Bhagavatam - On the lost city of Dwaraka!

He knew had to come to vanquish all that was ‘adharmic (unrighteous) and protect ‘dharmic’. He had to uphold “Dharm”. That meant – there was no scope for favourtism, partiality or favourite kith and kin too! He saw “Yadavas” (the clan of Krishna was called Yadavas) drunk with all that was wrong. He knew that had to go!

And two people’s wrath came to his aid in this regard. One was that of Sage who cursed Yadavas to be annihilated and the other was the curse of Queen Gandhari that the Clan of Krishna be wiped out.

Some sages were performing yagna in the forest. Some young Yadavas who were in the forest desired to have fun at the cost of the great sages. One of the Yadava boys dressed as a girl and the other acted as that ‘girl’s husband’. Together they approached the sages and asked them “Sir, my wife is pregnant. Please tell her whether she will bear a son or a daughter?”

Sages seeing beyond their pretense grew furious and blessed “She will give birth to a club that will bring death to your entire clan”. Terrified of the curse they fled the place. But the damage was done. They shared this terrible curse with the elders of their Clan. The elders crushed the club into 1000 pieces and ordered them to be thrown into the Great Sea. One big lump was swallowed by a fish that was caught by one fisherman and he made an arrow with that lump. This was the same arrow that was hit by the hunter that killed Lord Krishna. The pieces were washed ashore and they implanted themselves and grew as tall sharp cane plants. 

A few years rolled by.

After the war of Kurukshetra, the Yadavas were left out of annihilation. Lord Krishna knew even they had to be erased from Earth for the New beginning of Kali Yuga to start with a fresh set of people who were just and dharmic. One day, in the drunken state the Yadavas ended up fighting among themselves and they took tall sharp cane plants (that had grown as a result of the curse of the Sage) and killed each other. These plants were so sharp that they were more lethal than any weapon of war.


# Me My Guru series, Bhagavatam, Krishna accepts the curse, destruction of Yadavas, the lost city of Dwaraka, curse and blessings, fate and destiny, karma, as we sow so we reap, cause and effect, 

also read suggested 


Rahul Deshpande said...

Started doing Navagraha healing

Rahul Deshpande said...

Revati mam Pranam to you from all of us . Happy Teachers day