Thursday, September 9, 2021

Me, My Guru – On doing good!


Me, My Guru – On doing good!

“Guruji, what is the fun of doing good? You’ve been taking classes since decades and still people are where they were. They haven’t changed. Some have left you – though they completed master’s degree with you they are not with you, they are not what I would say ‘good enough to be humans, leave alone masters! 

Many have stopped doing Reiki after practicing for few years. They received abundance from Reiki and yet they choose to stop practicing Reiki. 

Those who come to you are either always complaining or cribbing about one thing or the other. One who is regular in sadhan, grateful and appreciative of Reiki, working regularly on his self and changing towards his ‘better-self’ is hardly there! Those who are with you are not regular in sadhan. Some who are regular in sadhan are very bitter in their nature. What do you get through this work except complaint, hatred, jealousy, anger and taunts thrown at you? Don’t you feel bad about your work and so much of your sadhan energies going to waste? Why don’t you simply stop being Master till ‘a right student’ comes by?” that was Rahul and Aziz sharing their anguish. They couldn’t see our Guru’s hard work going down the drain.


# on doing good, making right choices, dharma, playing our part right, being responsible, right and wrong, do your duty and leave the rest

also read :

(The link given above answers so many of your pending questions...the explanation is also given in the above link...take time to go through them once again to be able to walk this path unflinchingly....)

Questions answered :

  • People always ask "Why should I be the one doing good to my family members when I don't like them or when they are not good?"
  • People ask "Why should I forgive my spouse and do healing to him/her when he/she is wrong? They should seek my forgiveness. Why do you ask me to do reiki to them and for how long?"
Points to be understood :

Remember, whether it is a Guru dealing with students or a person dealing with his family and friends - the rule is same for all! But we consider and want and expect our Guru's to be patient, forgiving and considerate of our selfishness, anger, lies, cheating, greed, lust and what not! Why because it involves us? But when it comes to us dealing with our family members we use different measure giving an excuse "But we are after all humans" or classic one is "Rama, Krishna, Buddha or YOU are great maam, but us tho (तो ) not possible maam..."Why? Because we want to get away with our behaviour. Everyone has right to choose his behaviour. But to expect happiness in return for dislike, peace in return for selfishness stupid. Always remember, I repeat what I have been saying since ever and so have every teacher you know -"Do good and good will come back to you. Do bad and that will come back to you"

The way students are behaving with the student could be the way people are behaving with you. Then you need to behave as the guru does - and only that is the answer for this problem.

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Wow moment
Was there with the person whom I never expected to be with .