Wednesday, September 22, 2021

On happiness everywhere!



On happiness everywhere!

Happiness is meeting old relatives - cousins and aunts in a marriage you were not interested in the first place to go!

Happiness is seeing your old flame and then suddenly realizing you are better of without him/her.

Happiness is finding a Rs.5/- note in a old note book.

Happiness is going through old greeting cards and old letters....

Happiness is listening to a song when there is no one to disturb you......

Happiness is in cleaning the house/shelf/rack..

Happiness is in letting clothes stay in a pile while you spend the entire day in reading your favourite novel - thousandth time!

Happiness is watching birds fly....

Happiness is seeing babies cry (especially if they are others!!)

Happiness is walking along with friends and then - bam, tripping and falling...

Happiness is watching sunrise.

Happiness is being 5" and walking about 6" as if you are their King! And seeing their confused faces!

Happiness is watching sunset.

Happiness is cloudy skies.

Happiness is seeing a rainbow.

Happiness is walking in high heels and not making it across the hall....

Happiness is wearing a new dress...

Happiness is sharing our views, understanding, queries and doubts with others....


on happiness, il dolce far niente, in living in the moment, spirituality, simple joys of life, on celebrating life, enlightenment,

also read : 

Read the above link to understand why healing takes time in some cases whereas we get bus/auto and some similar wishes fulfilled immediately?

Read : 

to understand where happiness is and why we miss being happy?

Care to share some of your happy moments and reasons?

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Happiness is when plants are doing well, flowers bloom in my garden (or anywhere for that matter) and when I get to harvest fruits and vegetables.
Happiness is when I complete a very lengthy and complicated task at work.
Happiness is when I am completing more sadhan than I had planned for for that day.
Happiness is when my child takes charge of his activities and completes it without needing to be reminded.
Happiness is when I reach my destination with fewer or no red signal or traffic jam. Happiness is also when I reach my destination in spite of those hurdles!
Happiness is to enjoy good health and to know that everyone around me is doing well.
Happiness is sitting near a window, looking out and being lost in my world.
Happiness is going down the memory lane and smiling.
Happiness is when I fall asleep within 5 mins at night.
Happiness is when I get to sleep in a lil longer on a holiday or weekend.
These and many many more! Happiness is when I am counting these blessings!! 😀