Thursday, September 30, 2021

Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love



Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love

Such questions and outbursts from some of us was eye-opener. We said these words casually. We didn’t look into our intentions behind them. So, as suggested by some we sat to look within. We had to see and find out why we uttered these words? We had to find out the source of these outbursts. And when and what some found out jolted us from our sleep of ego. Some chose not to do this exercise – as always! Some justified their ‘not ready to find their intentions’ behind excuses like ‘but, I don’t like to mediate maam..’

‘but I don’t get answers maam…’

‘today, I am tired. I’ll do it later’.

Excuses were many. But, they all said only one things “We were not ready to come face to face with our real self’.

Was it because we were afraid of seeing ‘our real self’?


# on self love, knowing self, awareness, meditation, know thyself, on relationship with self, realization, on love, on relationships, pain and suffering

read the above link and know why knowing self will reduce our pain and suffering in our relationship. Every relationship we have with others is actually a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves only. 

For change you share the sentences, thoughts, sayings or understanding that you found useful or to your liking....

1 comment:

Supriya said...

‘They all said only one things “We were not ready to come face to face with our real self’.’

This is true. Most of the times when we don’t want to meditate the reason is because we don’t want to find the problem within. Deep down we know of our imperfections but don’t want to admit. We want to see it in others only and know that meditation will bring our flaws to the surface, that we will see it clearly.

Not just that, we even push away those people who try to help us see the flaws in ourselves. We accuse them of being insensitive, but the fact is that we need to work on ourselves.
