Thursday, September 16, 2021

On mind games – Assumptions of mind!


On mind games – Assumptions of mind!

We assume ourselves separate from others. This separateness is the basis of 'maya'. And this separateness causes us to fear for self and protect self from others. We consider everyone threat to our existence, well-being and to our self-esteem. From this assumption stems fear for self. And that gives rise to desire and compulsion for self-preservation. This leads us to attack the person we assume to be ‘threat’ to us! We hurt them. We compete with him. We demean him by fault-finding and calling him names. There is no end to this. As the other too would ‘retort’ against our attack, we say “see, I was right! He is threat to me!”

We conveniently forget that we had started this fight. We end up in a fight unnecessarily. This robs us of our energies and peace of mind. And we assume again that the other is responsible for our suffering. 


# mind, mind games, illusion, ego, maya, assumptions, fear, basis of fear, attack and defence, 

also read on similar topic : 

The link above answers many of the questions linked with this topic .....find them and relax.....

Questions answered or addressed: 

  • Why do we go around hurting others?
  • What is the assumption which forces us to attack others?
  • Why do we use 'attack' to defend ourselves from others?
  • What is the basis of our assumptions about our well-being?

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