Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wow moment! Sunset!


Wow moment! Sunset!

The whole of the week when we had decided to watch sunset, we couldn't thanks to rains and cloudy sky. 

And today, when there was no desire, Sunset was visible - so beautiful - so Wow!

Many times in life too, when we are hell bent on wanting something to work out in a certain way, maybe it doesn't work out so! But that doesn't mean there are no beautiful things happening otherwise in our life! It is NOT EXPERIENCED BY a person who is adamant about 'what he desires' saying 'but I want ONLY THIS'.

But when a person while expecting something to go in a certain way, also is flexible and open to receiving whatever comes his way - well to him, every moment is a wow moment! Every moment is a moment of abundance. Every moment he receives something or the other! Every moment he celebrates life! Every moment he is grateful for all that he receives!

There is only one difference between one who says he received a lot from Reiki and the one who is complaining - "perspective".

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