Thursday, September 9, 2021

wow moments! Its sunny day!

wow moments! Its sunny day! 

Wow, clouds have cleared. 

Its no more raining. 

Its sunny day again!

Even when the going is tough, solution is right there - in front of us most of's just that we don't see it for we are lost in our pain....get detached and see the solution and work on it....

Bigger the problem, easier the solution.......remember that!

1 comment:

Supriya said...

My wow moment:

It rained today and my son had his sports practice in rain. Wow for that experience!

Remembered the time when we used to take the bus home and used to get drenched in the rain… and yet enjoyed it! Wow to that memory!

Lately, I was thinking that kids these days are so protected that they don’t get to experience rain the way we did when we were kids. But looks like reiki/universe was listening and gave me the answer to my thoughts.

Package may change, experience may seem to be different but the universe gives each generation the opportunity to define their moments! Wow!
