Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Wow moments!

Wow moments! 

Sun is up at last!!! Wow! wow! wow!

Birds too seem to be rejoicing the Sun today! Wow!

Clothes were hanging in the hall like in dhobi ghat...Wow!

felt as if I was in dhobi!

drying possible for few today - wow!


Supriya said...

My wow moment:

My son was happy yesterday for he had his first day of school and he enjoyed it - wow!

Today his school is closed because of heavy rains having an impact on traveling. He still is happy because he could stay home and sleep in 🤣 - wow!!

Wonder how kids(and some people) are able be happy always no matter what the situation is! Chit bhi meri patt bhi meri! Wow!!


Kshitija said...

Wow moment
Spent time with my friends and had a jolly time .
Say with them in the balcony and saw the setting sun chattering with them