Friday, September 10, 2021

Me, My Guru – On doing good!


Me, My Guru – On doing good!

I didn’t like this talk of theirs – whenever it was done. I knew I was one of those they were complaining about. Yes, I wasn’t regular in sadhan. And my emotions swung from anger, hatred and irritation to abuse and they were diverted on our Guru – almost always! I did use her as a junk bag and a punch bag – as did others! And yet, I didn’t like it when it was explicitly said by these two. We didn’t follow her words to T – Agreed! We didn’t do sadhan regularly – and yet, we desired her to be around when we needed her. We felt we had right to do whatever we wanted, however we wanted in our life and with our life. But, she – she was supposed to be there – Always just waiting to answer our queries, doubts and be our support when we needed her. How can we let her have a life of her own? How can we let it happen? It was unimaginable! And so, now with others, I was angry with Reiki and Aziz for suggesting this idea to our Guru.

Rahul and Aziz were being themselves. We were being ourselves. And our Guru, she was her usual self! She gave us this story in reply “Once a boy and his Grandpa were walking on the shores of sea. On the sand were hundreds of turtles washed out. It was obvious that they all were going to die for lack of water. The boy became sad and said crying “Oh Grandpa! Poor turtles, they all are going to die today!”

Grandpa took out one turtle and put it into the sea and said “no, not this one!”


# on doing good, making right choices, dharma, playing our part right, being responsible, right and wrong, do your duty and leave the rest

(People always ask "I want to make my child a genius or make him a millionaire. How do I go about that?" The link above gives answer to that. Don't try a child to become anything. Just see that he develops an attitude of giving his best in whatever he is doing - even without thinking of the result! Ofcourse, he learns from what you do than what you say. So, YOU need to be living this attitude for him to pick that up from you.....and the rest falls in place automatically....)

Point to remember :
  • Just remember to do right thing with the thing right in front of you. Don't bother about doing it all your life. Just do it once - everytime. And before long your karma will be something you are no more afraid of facing when it comes back to return what you have given!

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you very much
This post has put me on a self check .

There were two situations I was very much broke .
On both of them reiki helped me to come back . I know I could have avoided if I jade done sadhan regularly .

Thank you blog reiki and guru for bringing me back