Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love


Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love

“You receive what you gave”. They gave knowledge by way of their understanding and inputs and hence they received that back. Simple! And to think I took so many years even to understand this Law and its effect in our receiving and abundance in life!?***

No doubt, our Guru kept stressing us to share our experiences every single time!

You are being stumbling block of your life!

These are few of the understandings we got when we put our minds together.

“We say we love our family and yet keep count of every act we do for them!?

We say we love our family and yet keep count of every penny we spend on them! Isn’t that shameful?”

“We wouldn’t keep accounts with our near and dear ones if and when there is affection involved. But, we do and that clearly says we are just doing business with them. And like in every business there is profit and loss in this business of relationship in our life. Profit being getting material benefits and demands met. And loss is our expectations not being met. This in turn causes pain and suffering. It was not because of the people in our life. It was because of ‘the kind of dealing’ we had with them - that of business. 

***( As told million times before, you can only get donkey to water hole, you can’t make it drink!

Yes, I can only tell ‘tips’ which are actually simple ‘technique’ which are very easy to follow and yet have profound results and benefits stored for you. But to walk the path – unfortunately is your call! I can’t force you to..and therein lies my limitations. So too of God!

Some of you immediately follow for couple of days and then go back to your old ways. Again, when I remind very conveniently say “sorry maam”. I again repeat what I’ve told previously. You don’t get away with ‘sorry’. Because, I am not the one effected. The effect is borne by you and you alone. You are writing your destiny with these choices.

No act of yours benefits me in any way. You are the one who gains or losses! So, be sorry for self….)


# on love, on loving, sharing and caring, affections, relationships, attitude needed for relationship to be perfect, business vs relationship, on living life, life partners, expectations and conditions, unconditional love, 

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