Saturday, September 25, 2021

Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love


Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love

Wouldn’t you shout at that car and its driver? We are the ‘driver’ who is putting that
mud on Guru here because our car of desire is running so fast!? Get it?

Next, understand one more thing here. People always assume they are ‘good people who are suffering because of bad God!’ See closely here – the way we misbehave and mistreat others because we are not able to address our anger and desires correctly is actually wrong! And that wrong gives out fruit called ‘karma’. As we sow, so we reap! Does that make us good as we presume ourselves to be? I wonder??!!

We have to bear consequences of our acts. We do! But again we hold others responsible for our suffering. The people we meet and the way they behave with us and treat us because of our karma – not because they are bad. We are ignorant of the consequences of our acts and behaviour when we are giving that to others. But when the same comes back to us, we suffer!

But our Guru being herself smiled and adjusted her saree. I could see she was going to tell us some story for sure. But, today I felt our class would go till late night. The complaints were so many that she would’ve to tell so many stories today! I was both excited and happy. 

And our Guru started “In a certain village a group of milkmaids came to rest under a banyan tree. They had already sold all their milk early in the morning and were returning home. The Sun was just rising. But, the day had started long before for these girls and they just sat down under this banyan tree to relax for some time. This was their daily routine. They would all sell their milk in the village and while returning home would spend some time under this banyan tree. It was then that they looked into their accounts too! They were doing just the same when one girl said “I am falling short of Rs.50/-. I don’t know to whom I’ve given milk and not taken money”. 


# on love, business and love, attitudes, Me,My Guru series, love by a milkmaid, purity, unconditional love, 

also read suggested : 

read the given link to understand how we - well most of us are experts in 'giving'. Yes, I am not joking....we know to give, it's just that we 'give' something that comes back to hurt us too....we don't have to learn something different. We just have to learn to change the 'object' of giving....tell me, if you have understood it and what you have made out of this....

Tips to understand the post :

"The complaints were so many that she would’ve to tell so many stories today! " - We usually have so many complaints against a person or a situation. We then assume the problem to be a very big one too! But trust me, bigger the problem easier and simpler the solution.

"I was both excited and happy " - Here the narrator is happy because he is not the one with the problem and complaint. So he is ready to enjoy the story session. But see elsewhere he asks a question and the Guru starts with a story, immediately the narrator says 'why can't she just give an answer - straight and simple way'! 

If you understand this small attitude and behaviour, it will be easy to understand how we behave. Both our anger and happiness is not 'based on right' reason. And we hold the other responsible for our anger and think we are suffering because of them!!

(Am I clear in this explanation? Could you understand it right? Are you able to see how you behave and how your behaviour is at fault in such cases?)

Clarification needed :

I have been giving such 'tips to understand the post' link for quite some time question is 

  • is it useful?
  • Am i clear?
  • I am giving the portion from the post in one colour and the explanation in the other colour. Is it clear that way? Is the purpose served?
  • Help me to help you work may go waste if it doesn't serve the purpose of being useful to you....
  • do you want me to continue doing so or would you understand even without me going through this explanation?
  • please clarify....
  • any suggestion will be looked into and if feasible will certainly try to apply....
  • if you need any part of story/post to be clarified, do ask, will explain when and if can.....

1 comment:

Kshitija said...