Saturday, September 11, 2021

Me, My Guru – On doing good!



Me, My Guru – On doing good!

Grandpa took out one turtle and put it into the sea and said “no, not this one!”

Next, he walked to the other turtle and said “no, not this one too!” He kept picking up one turtle after another and put them into sea.

“But grandpa we can’t save all of them anyhow!” cried the boy.

“You are right. But this one I can and I do. We need save one turtle at a time. That’s all!” so saying he picked one more turtle to put into sea.

The boy joined his grandpa." 

It was never about saving the lot. It was the question of whether you saved the one nearest to you. Did you put an effort to save it? That’s all matters. The rest is not in my hand. My job is to give what I have till someone comes to me to receive. Will they use it to their good for all times to come? Will they benefit others? Will they stop after sometime? Will they, will they, will they – these is not the question I would sit to think about. It’s up to their sensibility to use it and put it to good use. They’ll bear the consequences of their choice. I can only make my choice. I choose to teach till my body supports me. The day I can’t or don’t want to, I’ll stop. I’ll not stop because they don’t deserve me! 

How can I gauge anyone’s worthiness? The one I thought was doing well ended up being a master and then his true colours came out. And the person most said was no good ended up working on self and lo! Today that Reiki Channel** is a wonderful example of what sadhan can do to a person. The journey this person has made is worth applauding. The distance covered by this Reiki channel gives me hope that anyone can grow – and grow tremendously in this path and that too in such short time. It builds my trust in sadhan and Reiki techniques. It charges me to work more sincerely, enthusiastically and love. When I see such students and their growth I question myself if I am doing enough as a master. Am I being casual with other students? How do I work so that others are also able to make such huge progress in their lives? 

Such are the students who keep my morale, commitment, enthusiasm high and desire running year after year to work on this path. We never know how any person would behave or change over time. So, we can only keep working with people who come. The rest is ‘Reiki’s job’.


# on doing good, making right choices, dharma, playing our part right, being responsible, right and wrong, do your duty and leave the rest

(If you read the above  link completely, slowly and attentively then the basis of your anger is taken away from you. You will find the area to heal. You will know where to look for solutions and where to find the cause of your pain and suffering. It's easy to call others name. But to accept the flaw in self and address - that is the most difficult task on earth. Be a brave soul that you are - own up your role in your life - accept your nature - address it - become free..)

Points to remember :

Never ask "but how long do I need to do this good to my family?" Always say "Just this once let me be the one doing the right thing. " Say it every single time and before long you will have a family that you love and one which loves you. Every miracle starts with a small effort put in that direction. Work your miracle - one step at a time!

Reiki Channel** - This is true story! The reiki channel here mentioned is really great. When the story and that RC's journey started with me, the person was so full of hatred, bitterness, negativity and what not! It was so for full one week the person was with me! Later the person learnt reiki and today the change I have seen in that person is something worth celebrating for each one of us! Any person however small he changes for better impacts the overall energies of the whole Universe! Couple of others too have given boost to my belief in sadhan and reiki techniques. The day more people change for better would be worth working for - for all pray for world peace and that starts with these changes in an individual only!

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