Saturday, September 4, 2021

Sadhan on sunsets


Sadhan on sunsets

Sun did set even though we couldn’t see. We didn’t see it happen. And yet, we know it did happen. Why can’t we take this data to use to talk to our ‘so called logical mind’? If Sun does set though we didn’t see, will not happening of our life happen for sure though we can’t see them happen for now! (Hamare samaj mein nahin aane par bhi kya jo hona hai wo ho nahi saktha?)

We all have to play our part – fully and honestly. And the ‘right picture’ will emerge in the future at right time. Our worries and fear of future is based on the fact that we are not able to see ‘the future’. The questions is do we need to? Just as Sun sets though we didn’t and couldn’t see, can’t we trust Reiki, God or Universe to secure our future? Think about it!

Our worry and fear is kept alive only thanks to our baseless assumptions and imaginations. Look back at your past worries and fear. How many became true as you imagined? When you did Reiki, did not your past shape out right?

Take any incident from your past. You worried about it. You were depressed. You feared about the outcome. But you kept doing Reiki. And when the event happened, you were happy. Your fears didn’t come true! You walked past that time. So you will this time too. Just be healing yourself. Work on your worries and your fears. Address them. Question them. Look into them. Heal them. Just don’t support them with your justifications. And do Reiki for your intentions. Before long, you’ll be out of this time too! Remember, “This too shall pass!”


# sunsets and sunrises, on little joys of life, miracles of life, wow moments, everything happens for good, abundance, life as it is, awareness, mindfulness, being available to the miracles of life, happiness, state of mind, 

Points to understand :
  • We fear based on assumptions. We live in our head and our imagination runs wild. Work on that. 
  • Question your fear. Question the basis of your fear.
  • We get angry when we fear because we support our fear and justify our fear.
  • Don't fight the battle of fear. Fear is not your friend. IT IS your enemy! Know this and fight against it.
  • Address fear with various techniques known to you through various classes. Do pranayamam if you can't do re-birth for any reason. Do anulom vilom, bhasrika and deep breathing. This will also address your BP and sugar problems. Your weight too will reduce. Your digestion problem is also healed. So many benefits with just one technique. 
  • Fear will not go away if situation becomes 'as you want it to be'. Remember that! We presume so and become adamant that things should go as per our wish. NO! This is not the case. Fear stays with us - and comes to the forefront as and when the situation comes up.

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