Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love



Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love

“Even our desires expressed our lust or greed for them. They were result of our emptiness. They didn’t come out of love. So, we kept count of the number of chanting*** we did and the amount spent on poojas and other rituals”.

“Isn’t it funny we spend Rs.1000/- on one movie? We may not even enjoy it sometimes and yet we don’t count the money spent. But Reiki class benefits us in so many ways and every single day we benefit through intention reiki and yet we are angry at Reiki and Guru for not giving us returns for our fees? They way we ‘value’ fees and returns from Reiki is really questionable. And in all this lay our double-standards – the classic expression of our ego”

“We are angry at what we didn’t receive as per our desire. But when asked to thank we always started with “well, little, little things are happening like for everyone. Small small things are so many but…” Look at every part of the sentence.

‘little, little and small, small’ – by using such words we very smartly are over-writing all the miracles happening with us.

‘…are happening like for every one…’ we are again negating the abundance experienced by us by stating ‘that everyone is receiving – so no big deal over there!’ Really? Will you accept if your family member dies due to covid? Everyone is losing – isn’t it?

Everyone is losing job – so, so should you- right? But job you are angry that you didn’t receive the rise ‘as expected and as you deserve’???Shouldn’t it work both ways?”

Such questions and outbursts from some of us was eye-opener.


# on love, on loving, sharing and caring, affections, relationships, attitude needed for relationship to be perfect, business vs relationship, on living life, life partners, expectations and conditions, unconditional love, 

chanting*** = here it is not to be understood as 'chanting' that we do as a group and I ask for no. of malas that you have done....don't apply right knowledge in wrong place....the malas that you chant are required for my count, so keep giving me the feedback for me to do the needful........

Ok, now if it doesn't apply to our group chanting, what is it that I am talking about? Where will you apply it and why? Explain if you please....

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