Sunday, September 19, 2021

No man left behind – On Sadhan



No man left behind – On Sadhan

In military there is a slogan ‘No man left behind!’ It means that the group of military that goes to war doesn’t leave behind ‘wounded’ soldiers behind in enemy territory alone!

There is one more slogan I love ‘All for one and one for all!’ I am sure this is self-evident in meaning (If any of you haven’t understood it, let me know I’ll try explaining)

Now what of these two slogans here?

I follow both these ‘motto’ in my life – more so with my students.

There are still some students doing 108 mala japam. They couldn’t complete it yet for some reason. For me reason is immaterial. They are dedicated enough to keep going till they touch the finish line – and that! That is exactly the attitude I am proud of in them! I can only show my appreciation my way – that is by waiting for them to complete this sadhan before setting a new target for the group. As I am waiting for them I also am chanting 3 malas (min) per day with them.

Imagine, eating with 500 people in a hall. And you are a slow eater or whatever! Everyone has eaten, got up and left. Imagine sitting alone and eating there. However, delicious food is, thought that all others have left is at the back of your mind. Isn’t it? You can see other plates being taken out and cleaned by the workers. How do you feel? I somehow see ‘those people’ who couldn’t complete the set target as the person sitting alone and eating. I can’t let that happen. So, at least I need to be there with the person chanting along with him. So, I do. This is the least I can do for him.


# no man left behind, on sharing and caring, being human, on being successful, character, on love, selfishness, taking all with us, working as a team, 


Kshitija said...

Thank you
Even I am chanting 3 Malas started it on Friday but thought of healing earth till the next sadhan is rolled out .

Kshitija said...

In one post you have answered so many .

I always thought I was the only one working for the family and as long as I thought this way . I felt pressured, lonely, unwanted , burdened.

As we started doing August 15th sadhan I have started realising things.
I realised I have a team my husband is contributing in his own way and he is also feeling the same as me . Once this realisation has come I have lost lot of burden. Then I have realised my mother in law is also contributing in her own way .
I have realised we r a team and once we started supporting each other the dynamics of the family changed

Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

Completed chanting on 15th.