Thursday, September 2, 2021

Sadhan on sunsets



Sadhan on sunsets

What happened?

The whole of this – mostly in Hyderabad (of India) it was either cloudy or raining. So, it was not possible to do this exercise literally!

Some didn’t even go out at the appointed time thinking ‘oh, it’s cloudy so its waste of going’.

Some cursed their fate for not being able to do it because of rain. Some of them even thought it was ‘bad sign’?!

Few got angry at me for choosing this week while it was raining for this exercise.

Some cursed God for letting it rain when they had to follow their Guru’s orders!

Few went to terrace come what may, were present through the time of sunset. They watched the clouds, birds and listened to all noises around them. They even got wet in the rain. For them, they had to be there for sunset. If they can’t see it’s not their problem. They followed their Guru’s words and they celebrated there after! They came out of this week thankful and joyous. They thanked me, God and Nature for this lovely experience. They didn’t get stuck at the point “..but we didn’t see Sunset maam…” They didn’t invest their attention, awareness and energies in something that didn’t happen. They only invested in what they received, how they experienced that and how they felt about it!

Returns from this exercise :

Few among you must be waiting to hear that you’ll receive ‘X’ by way of healing as returns or benefit of this healing. That is not the returns of this exercise.


# sunsets and sunrises, on little joys of life, miracles of life, wow moments, everything happens for good, abundance, life as it is, awareness, mindfulness, being available to the miracles of life, happiness, state of mind, 

Look at images in every post - they too give out messages and answers. I am to write and address everyone's questions and emotions. Can't do one way so to some your answers are in images and to others in pointers and to some in the link....some find it in post......everyone's query, situation is addressed in a single post/article. Be open to receiving your answer once you have asked for an answer. It is found in some form - search for it and get it! Itna tho kaam karo yaar......

Pointers in this post :

"Few went to terrace come .....and how they felt about it!" - Life offers us vada pav (Indian bread delicacy worth dying for!) when we are waiting for sandwich. Grab it! Yes, sometimes - maybe with blessed few most of the times, life gives something totally different from what we are looking out for or working or dreaming about. Don't miss out on this bonus 'gift' that we received from Universe. Just be open to it. How can we 'label' SURPRISE GIFTS as unwanted or 'what I was not looking for ?' - surprise gift - whatever it is, is beautiful. Open your eyes to it. Once we learn the art of seeing beauty of 'surprises' thrown at us by the Universe, we'll start enjoying the 'fun game' that Universe engages in with each one of us. Life is a gift, open it - we'll understand then. 

Let's stop conditioning everything in life. When someone brings 'pineapple cake' don't end up saying ' but I like chocolate cake. It is gift. Appreciate the thought. Thank for the concern. Look at the effort of that person. Instead we end up putting all that in trash by saying 'but he spoiled my perfect idea of birthday by bringing in chocolate cake'. Listen to yourself! Life is giving in abundance don't throw it away with such tantrums and then say 'but why no miracle happens in my life maam?'

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