Saturday, September 4, 2021

wow moments! Rain again........

wow moments! Rain again........ 

It rained today! wow!

Water logging on the roads - wow!

Must be good to go on roads - just in imagination and still - wow!

Can see people enjoying chai and samosas from the stall there - wow!

Had plans for the day by hour - had a to-do-list - and just three phone calls of each 3 -4 hrs and the day ended without even having time to look at the list..........and!

Noticed one common link in all the three phone calls - the journey that all these people did over the years - thanks to Reiki, sadhan, their attitude and willingness to change for better, their awareness of self, their perseverance and all..........I couldn't have believed this day to come if I was told this years ago and yet.......Universe has its own way of working its miracles through time and people. Our job is just to do our bit and flow with the tide......I did and wow! what a journey and what returns!


Supriya said...

My wow moments:

Start of a long weekend - wow!

For once I was able to complete tasks as planned - wow!

Went to a water steam near my house and listened to the water flow - wow!

Cooked my favorite dish and enjoyed eating it - wow!

Family also loved it - wow!

Rahul Deshpande said...

Today is Teacher's day - wow . Thank you Revati Teacher for most beautiful lessons of life learnt from you and the Devine gift of reiki. Thanks 🙏 for being my guru