Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sadhan on sunsets



Sadhan on sunsets

No one can work magic for you! If they say they can, know them to be liars! You need to face your worries yourself. Keep healing your intentions. We fear the outcome because we want to ‘control the outcome’ of our desires. We want to control every single incident in life. The stronger our desire to control the more is our restlessness. The more we are restless, the more we panic or get depressed. And in turn want results immediately as per our desires. That means we lose patience. We become selfish in the process. We become adamant and can’t see any reason. We lose clarity of thought!

Our selfishness doesn’t allow us to think about and for others. We generate dislike and hatred for others in our life. The result – all these negative energy created will give negative situations again and again. We then cry ‘why maam, same thing happening again and again in my life?’ We are not sensible enough to accept and see that we are causing all this energy in our life. Our excuse is ‘but I am doing Reiki as much as I can….’ We do reiki for say one hour and rest 16 hours we are spreading anger, hatred, dislike and selfish energies. What do you think happens then? How do you think this will work?

As you do Reiki, also work on your attitude.


# sunsets and sunrises, on little joys of life, miracles of life, wow moments, everything happens for good, abundance, life as it is, awareness, mindfulness, being available to the miracles of life, happiness, state of mind, 

Points to remember :

Always remember We are in the hurry to reach the "next station" of our life - ALWAYS! We assume that is the station where HAPPINESS  is??!! NO! It is just our assumption. Work for your goals and desires. But HAPPINESS IS RIGHT HERE AND NOW WITH YOU. If you can't be happy NOW you won't be happy even after reaching station of your choice! Go back to your every station of life - school, college, job, marriage, promotion, kids, investments, travel etc.....

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