Monday, September 6, 2021

wow moments! On death!


wow moments! On death!

I celebrated 'death' of about 10 people in the last one month with their near and dear ones......

yes, I say 'celebration' knowing full its implication and impact on people..we suppose we are supposed to feel bad and sad. But, I didn't. I was glad that they didn't suffer and just left so effortlessly. Couple of them had been in bad shape for the last few years. And to them, I saw it as an end of their 'karma' and so release from that suffering. It is our 'karma' that binds us to this body. So is it good that a person is suffering in this body? Yes, if you see it as 'clearing his debt'. 

And the same debt when cleared releases the soul from this body to be free of this suffering and it becomes eligible to go in search of a body that is fresh, new and good enough for its future journey. So when I see it that way, it seemed like a celebration as I saw the 'soul graduate' from this 'karma' and move on to face other pending karmas .......

Don't I like them? Of course, I do, they are bunch of people who liked me, showed affection towards me in the crowd that was so hurtful and mean to me. How can I not want them around me? It was like I lost all those who liked me at can it not be bad? It was - to me! But that pain is for my lose - not for them! On their behalf I celebrated. 

My pain I endured and thanked them for their love that they showered on me through 'soul healing' for the last whole month.........will continue to do for the rest of my life too.......

My pain is my loss. I was suffering because of loss of affection from my life. But that realization said all I needed to do was shower affection that I received on to the world around me - irrespective of who receives it.......give back what I received. And that I say is closure! 

And all this brought just one word on my lips - wow!

And added to all this was receiving news of 'new arrivals' in this to the new souls taking new bodies, wow to those new kids...

Here the life ends and there it begins - wow! Does it actually end? Does it not just shift from here to there if noticed minutely? Wow to that?

Wow to this affection, wow to the concept of life, wow to change in life, wow to meeting and bidding goodbye, wow to creation, wow to creator, wow to healing, wow to knowing healing, wow to realization of giving and receiving, wow to seeing the 'river of life' flowing continuously........

Wow is also to life, wow is also to death, wow to the flow of life, wow to every aspect of life - wow to this wow!!!

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Even before I hit the age of 5 I learned about my sibling’s terminal illness, knew he would leave us soon and until 9 I saw him in vegetative state. When he left us many said that death should have come sooner and relieved him of his pain. As bitter as it sounded, I knew they were saying it out of compassion and I agreed with them. In the following years I saw many other uncles and aunts (in their 30s and 40s) leave their mortal form after a long suffering.

It took me a while, many such experiences and a lot of thinking, but I started seeing every word that you mentioned here. My complains turned into gratitude. They all live in my memories. They still have the ability to warm my heart and bring a smile on my lips whenever I think of them.

Death is a friend that helps us move on when the time comes, and I feel that we meet each other over and over again. When I have to heal someone, I ask for a better quality of life/ peaceful life that’s remaining, and inner strength for them and their family. 

Thank you ma’am for this post. I needed to hear it from someone. It was best to come from you! 🙏
