Friday, October 1, 2021

Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love



Me, My Guru – on keeping count in love

Was it because we were afraid of seeing ‘our real self’?

Well, from those who were brave enough to be honest we summed up our next to-do list.

The areas where we could extend our concern, affection and giving had to be expanded.

It included our immediate family

We need to look into how to learn to give to our family without expecting in the first place.

This would be a long process, rather a lifelong process of learning and applying.

But every time we applied it – even in a small measure, we would for certain reap benefits for sure!

We had to give ourselves to our job. Maybe, not all of us had jobs that we loved. But we needed to love our job. That started with giving our 100% to our jobs even without the thought of bitterness. This was easier said than done. But no issues there! We had life time to put this lesson into practice. This is what our Guru would say!

We need to do sadhan without counting the number of days we did it. Just as we ate daily we had to do sadhan daily. Did we ever even think “Mom, how long should I eat? It’s already 25 years since I’ve started eating. Now, I hate food for trying to come into my mouth? Why God is so bad, why can’t I be strong for the next 25 years without having to eat?” We don’t complain about having to earn life-long, why we even look forward to pension if possible. We all want to earn all through our life. We all want to eat and enjoy all through life. The sadhan that makes us eligible to earn more and enjoy life that we count, complain and ask questions like “how many more days maam?” When we are eating food throughout life we know it is must to upkeep our body, our physical self. Similarly sadhan is food for soul. Tell me, why deny food for soul?


# on self love, knowing self, awareness, meditation, know thyself, on relationship with self, realization, on love, on relationships, pain and suffering

Trying to give just one or two post links so that it becomes easy for all to go through them...hope it benefits more number of people now....

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