Sunday, October 10, 2021

Further to wow moments - On death!

Further to wow moments - On death!

Further to  my article on wow moments - on death I would like to clarify the little misunderstanding - may be because of I did word it right...

I had said in the article that I have bid goodbye to about 10 people and above (and now it has risen to 10 more) but none have left their mortal body because of covid as presumed by some of you....don't worry...relax there. 

Look at your assumption there and work on it....why do you jump to conclusions unnecessarily and start weaving stories that are only going to disturb you and then you say 'maam, now i am afraid maam...'. Nothing happened as per your imagination. It is purely your imagination and fear came out of that 'nothing' that didn't happen! How can I help you heal that? What can I do there for you? And you get angry that I am not there to help you?!?

Think again!

They all are people who are in their late 80's and early 90's too....couple of young ones died of heart attack and silently in their sleep.......all hale and healthy till previous day and next day they didn't get up....others it was just age related complications and they had actually suffered a lot in this body of theirs before leaving it for newer ones.....

none i repeat none suffered or died due to covid........

mostly due to cancer, some due to multiple organ failure and such complications.....

i hope this clears your confusion and fear too!

i am not responsible for the creation of your imaginations and next time before jumping to conclusions, read the article for what it is and what it is trying to tell.....

you are missing the point for which that article was written and went on tangent road and got lost....

beware of this 'intelligent mind' that you are living with....heal it, work on it, get your mind to be your friend from the foe that it is right now.....

healing is just this for us for now ............even a little bit of healing in this path -i.e., in the path of clarity of thought and removing our assumptions, wrong beliefs, imaginations will bring meaning to this life of ours.....

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