Tuesday, October 26, 2021

New beginning!


New beginning!

Every dawn brings new hope....

Every day brings with it new possibilities....

Every morning brings with it an opportunity to start afresh....


but ONLY for the one who is starting the day on a new note....we need to let go of the past and start afresh....

let's make a new beginning....let's write our story right this time...

let's learn from our mistakes and not repeat them this time...let's make new ones and learn from them.....

let's make a new beginning....


Kshitija said...

Since today morning I have been observing myself there is definitely a new beginning

Supriya said...

It indeed is a new beginning!!

I was doing intention reiki for a relative since September and had October on my mind for that wish. This person has been trying for it for a long time now. Today we got confirmation. For my relative it’s a new chapter. But for me it’s a renewal of my faith in divinity - never lost hope but still feel like this is new.

Thank you Ma’am!