Saturday, October 16, 2021

On life and death – II


On life and death – II

As long as we are living with wrong belief system and understanding we pray for long life. I am seeing people over 89 and 90 leading life – nothing wrong about living long though. But, most of their siblings and friends are gone. The younger family has its own life to live and they can’t take time to ‘get to know’ the ‘older generation’. Nothing wrong there too! But, the older generation for lack of people with whom they can share their experiences, stories and memories as they are long gone, end up telling same story again and again. No one wants to be bored with those details. Both the parties are disappointed with each other.

When I imagine/see myself as in 80’s I can’t see most of my elders in my life. People, who saw me grow, achieve and appreciate me for what I did for others are either gone or not in a position to talk, come and meet or remember.

I also have to see younger ones going away. Many of them have stories to share with and about me. And now, when I am gone both these group of people would be absent. The people who would come would be some distant relative or my kid’s friends and colleagues. To none of them I am known or matter. So who would miss/feel my going? Who would be there to say few good words about me? 


# on dying, life and death, death and its mysteries, knowing death, facts of life, art of living and dying, 

also read suggested : 

Question time :

Is this about me?

What is this write up about?

What are we looking for in these posts?

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

1. Yes it is about me as well as everyone.
2. This write up is about living this moment.
Being happy , living the life completely, the fear of death comes from the feeling that there is some thing more to this life I need to live and get it or I have not lived the life completely to the fullest of my heart content ( there is a mirage)

3. I am looking for the answers to the disturbance in me why am I always scared ?
What is it that’s making me unhappy?
What am I always complaining ?
Nothing comes for free .