Wednesday, October 27, 2021

There are different ways of learning.....

There are different ways of learning.....

One is to learn at our pace and with our own experiences and intelligence. It is beautiful but exhausting, painful, lonely and it takes longer than usual....Here we need to learn from our own mistakes. Here we need to bear the brunt of our mistakes. But there is no one to answer to. And there is no one to look up to too!

The other is to learn from others mistakes. We see others make mistakes and decide and learn not to make those mistakes. Here if we end up justifying them or rebuking them, then we lose the opportunity to grow from others' mistakes. When we choose to learn this way, we can avoid all the mistakes others' in our life make. This way we also save ourselves from the pain of bearing the brunt of making the mistakes. This is good choice. But the shortcoming of this path is that we can learn only as much as we can observe and understand. And there is second issue of having limited exposure to people and their failures in our lives. The people in our lives may fail but we may not know why and how or where they failed unless told – many times. So the chance we get to learn reduces accordingly.


# learning, give and take, the easy and the difficult path, self learning, lessons of life, 

Please Note - ref comments in the link As I have repeated myself umpteen times, I repeat myself once again - "There are no coincidences in life. It's just that we are not able to connect the RIGHT DOTS. One who is able to is the Guru and the Divine. Others can only jump to conclusions...."

koi cheez thukke mein nahin hota hai - nothing happens just like that! One who thinks so is a fool who assumes himself to be 'smart and intelligent!?!'

There has to be a cause for any effect to happen!!!


Kshitija said...

I have also observed that after our last set of healings . My participation in the healing has increased that is I am being present with the healing when I am healing . Thus it helped me in increasing the quality of my healing.

V Sridhar said...

Learning from others' mistakes becomes valuable when we watch them without judging & accept them where they stand as they are.. Helps us to learn good lessons without going thru a suffering or pain and also be empathetic towards them..
Love & Gratitude