Thursday, October 28, 2021

There are different ways of learning.....



There are different ways of learning.....

The next is ‘hear’ from the one who has made mistakes and just take essence of their knowledge and simply apply it in our lives. This is the role of the Guru. This is where he gives out of love all the essence of knowledge that he has accumulated over the janmas to be applied, absorbed, applied and to get benefitted from it effortlessly.


There is one more method too where we exchange our mistakes with each other and learn from each other. Here we can grow faster. We can support each other. We can stand by each other as and when the other falls. We can point out each others’ mistakes and there by act as mirrors to each other. This is possible only when we keep aside our ego. If we are competing with each other, then the chances of benefit from this procedure is almost nil.


Each method has its ups and downs. Each method asks you to pay a price when you choose that path. Each is good for one kind of mentality and personality. Knowing the good and bad of each path and choosing them reflects our patience, understanding capacity and sanity.


One can choose two or more methods at different point of time for faster growth and healing.

 Sum up your understanding from this post. How will this post be used by you and where? What was the need of this post now?


# learning, give and take, the easy and the difficult path, self learning, lessons of life, 

1 comment:

V Sridhar said...

Learning is a continuous process and there are abundance of opportunities... Every situation, relationships, sanghas, books, real life events & happenings provide us the chance to learn and grow. It's actually an opportunity to know ourself in all our limitations & infinite potential. We just need to set aside our ego and be open to the lessons life challenges us with... we need to embrace these opportunities to learn, grow and celebrate life and celebrate ourselves...
Love & Gratitude