Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Sadhan time again!


Sadhan time again!

The target of 108 MM is completed by all who wanted to - finally!

Time to review its effect on each one of us...

How was the journey and the events after that till date....

What did you notice - changes and all in your life and yourself?


Kshitija said...

The thoughts are different .
Many things do not matter which I used to over think previously .

Swati said...


Whenever things go out of the way, the next thing I do is reiki for it.
This change I have noticed.

Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

I noticed it built my confidence accept the situation and be iñ sadhan.
Udaya Bhanu

Aarthi said...

Thank you & gratitude for all,who have chanted for us&encouraged& waited for us,(thank u mamm), this time I'm late,tyd I have completed my MM.

Mm has helped me to question myself?,my faultfindings,when ever I complained or gossip next moment,I had a sense its a wrong way,its not fair,as if someone was guiding me.

I'm Happy & peaceful.
Strongly learnt to stop judging, ( other day also ,still u questioned me I did not realize mam,though u did not ask me( but still I laughed,lately I realized,in our last class.point noted mamm).

Thank u for always being there & guiding us mamm.( also noted my weakness & greed)I will try to overcome it too mamm.
Always ur one liners keep going in mind,look in to ur thoughts,work on ur nature,overcome ur fear.
Yesterday I read a move captio,life is full of surprises ,miracle & magical moments( very true).