Monday, November 27, 2017

Me, My Guru - On being part of society and social responsibilities

Me, My Guru - On being part of society and social responsibilities


I didn’t like Rahul one bit. There was no taunt in his voice and yet.....his question hit me hard – maybe because it was true in some way. And I hated him for pointing that to me. But years later I was to accept this fact and work on it. But for now I concentrated only on her answer.

“In a certain country all were prosperous and there was no crime committed. Produce was good. People were healthy and celebrated life. King was content and said aloud one day “now my kingdom has reached the ‘target – stage’ of prosperity and safety. Now I can be content and relaxed” to which his able minister replied “I doubt about its safety sir. It is prosperous is obvious. But I am sure it is at a very dangerous place of its people being too complacent towards their social responsibility and that for any country is very bad”.

The king was bit irritated and so retorted “how can you say so? Either apologise or prove” to which our intelligent minister replied “Give me an opportunity to prove my point. Just make an announcement that everyone should put just ‘one glass of milk’ in our city’s ‘central tank’ before sunset tomorrow”.

What would be proved by this announcement” asked King out of curiosity. “I’ll explain tomorrow” replied the minister.

Next day after sunset King along with his minister went to the tank. There he was surprised to see it filled with water. He was expecting it to be filled with ‘milk’ but he was surprised that his announcement wasn’t taken seriously. Then his minister explained “Sir, each one of the citizen did follow your order but instead of milk they filled it with water, that’s all!”

“But why?” asked the King confused.


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