Thursday, November 23, 2017

Me, My Guru – Stories and all! - But there is no bridge!

But, there is no bridge!

A man was standing staring at the water that was flowing. A dog cam along, jumped across and left. He stood staring at the water. Few children came there laughing, running, playing. They saw the water flowing, jumped across and went away. The man stood staring.

An old woman who was watching him came near and asked “Why are you standing here since long?”

“I need to go to the other side” he replied.

“Then go” she said.

“How can I? There is no bridge!” he replied!


Kshitija said...

Many a times that courage is the thing we r not able to get immediately yes what you said is true once we surrender and take a step the bridge becomes visible and crossing also is becoming easy and after crossing it feels is it me the same person who had crossed it for example the many situations in life if I see and if I make
Courage = sadhana
Before Sadhna the things that seemed like mountains after Sadhna are flying away like small cotton bits or looking like small moles
At the same time there is much to be healed yet and to be worked on such as fear

Kshitija said...

One more thing I would like to say is
I never had the courage to live I used to see others leading their life happily inspite of having problems in their life my parents tried their best to give courage to me but I never acknowledged then she showed me my blessings in life how blessed I am to have my parents , her , my child and she gave me the courage to lead a life I never expected my self to earn a morsel of rice but today because of her grace I am not only able to feed myself but I am able to lead a better life than that I expected what ever I have today is her biksha to me
Why her grace , her blessings because I can underline with red pen life before meeting her life after meeting her don’t think me to be crazy they r my experiences every minute second day life