Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Me, My Guru – Stories and all! - and it rained!

And it rained!

It was long awaited monsoon month. It rained! The farmers danced with joy and the entire village thanked and praised ‘Rain God. And it rained!

People were caught up in traffic due to rains. They cursed rains and it rained....

Old dilapidated houses collapsed and its inmates died. And it rained..

Children came out and played and ....

It rained.........

{P.S : You are expected to give your insights on stories of this series - }


Kshitija said...

I am not writing this to please any one it is what I felt
We have the same kind of feeling for things as well as people in our life
For example
To me my guru is a blessing she is the captain of the ship of my life because surrendering to her is the best thing I have learnt and I see her presence in every walk of my life and it is a blessing the best blessing of my life . Life offered to her is the best like the rain that is blessing to a farmer
Drenching in shower of her unconditional love
I have seen many of my old belief systems collapsing like the old houses collapsing in the rain
Though she takes care of every sishya the same way I have seen some taunting her just like the people struck in traffic jams
But she never stopped loving, showering her love taking care of us just like a turtle who takes care of her eggs with her eyes
Thank you

REVATHI said...


Mona said...

Rain does its job, regardless of the praise or taunts it receives, so should we.

REVATHI said...
