Sunday, November 26, 2017

Tip to understand stories....

Please Note: This series has stories that mean and explain a lot. They are like onions. The more you peel, the more you get. Think, think and think on them. You’ll go from the gross to the finest of understanding. It’s a beautiful journey and you can experience its joy and benefit only if you ‘attempt’ and ‘work’ on these stories ‘n’ number of times. Dust the laziness off your mind and get it to do some ‘real’ thinking.  And more the people contribute to its understanding, wider is your perception. Each person sees and understands from his experience and his perception which is bye the way never complete view. It is also true but not ONLY truth or understanding! You are right and at the same time OTHERS can also be right - you would see it happen here more number of times and that can really widen your acceptance levels and lower your anger and related emotions......

participate in this exercise and see for yourself....

Even those who don't have courage to give there comments here, still please do this exercise to benefit from it....

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