Sunday, November 26, 2017

Me, my Guru – On being part of Society and social responsibilities!

Me, my Guru – On being part of Society and social responsibilities!

Today, we were sitting under the tree listening to her. Everytime we did this, we lived an ‘old-age way of learning’ that of being at ‘Gurukul’. Maybe, this was the reason Rabindranath Tagore conceived the idea of learning under the trees of his school – Shanthi Niketan. Learning seemed less laborious and happened more effortlessly under the trees – oh! For the charm of trees! If only all our ‘education happened not in concrete classrooms but in Nature’...just this thought brought a smile on my lips. Someone should think of such an Institution soon. How much more would children learn and in what fun way! I thanked our Guru for having this tree under which we enjoyed these sessions. Yes, we had to travel a bit more as her place was a little on the periphery of the city – but O! The travel was worth it once we reached it! Maybe it was the informality of this setting that someone asked a question that wasn’t related to religion or spirituality!

“Guruji, we middle-class people end up paying taxed and the rich and powerful get away with various tricks. Why should Government take away my hard-earned money and it instead of benefiting me goes to corrupt politician’s pockets? It is not just. I feel so frustrated when ever I’ve to pay any tax. I know this tax money goes to build the Nation but yet....”

I silently thanked that guy for asking this question. It was something that I wanted to ask but didn’t. When I shared this with our group later during the day Rahul asked “Why didn’t you ask? You are ok to receive the benefit of an answer when the other asks but you don’t want ‘her’ to know that you too feel the same way – why? Are you protecting your image or is it that you know that it is your greed that is the cause of this anger in you?”


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