Monday, November 6, 2017

Jabala – Me, My Guru


Jabala – Me, My Guru

Not only that, Jabala had patience to learn. We were ever eager for an answer. If I had a doubt or a query, then it had to be answered immediately. If I couldn’t get her, that made me restless. I didn’t have patience to wait – be it with her, Reiki or God! I wasn’t ‘humble’ as I was the receiver, I ‘demanded’ as if it were my right or ‘her duty’ to be at my beck and call. I didn’t even have patience to wait for my sadhan to blossom into my wish. I was restless for results. I hated Rahul, Aziz and few others like them who had developed patience to wait for answers and results. Their peace was unsettling. But, however much I tried it seemed like a mirage to me. And here was Jabala who even without hearing a word of advice, teaching was ready to spend years all alone tending cows inspite of being eager to ‘learn and gain knowledge’.

“Blessed are such Gurus who had such students and only such
students gained such Gurus and such knowledge” her words cut me mercilessly. “He tended those cows lovingly and patiently for years and waited till their number increased to 1000 and then started walking towards his Guru’s ashram. ‘One who is patient is contended and rewarded best.

As he was walking towards Ashram bull, a fire, a swan (Hamsa, हंस) and a diver bird (Madgu, मद्गु), which respectively are symbolism for VayuAgniĀditya and Prāṇa teach him about Brahman. Satyakama then learns from these creatures that form of Brahman is in all cardinal directions (north, south, east, west), world-bodies (earth, atmosphere, sky and ocean), sources of light (fire, sun, moon, lightning), and in man (breath, eye, ear and mind). When finally he reached Ashram, a look at his face and Sage Gautama recognised the brilliance on his face and said “What is this brilliance that shines through you? Tell me all that happened with you” and Jabala explained how and what he has been taught by four of them in the forest.



REVATHI said...

what other topics are pending to be explained?

Kshitija said...

Mam please explain about Saligrama ? What is a Saligrama ? How is it to be worshipped? what is the difference between Vishnu Saligrama and shiva Saligrama ?

Anonymous said...

Greetings Revathi Mam,

I would like to ask about citizens responsibility towards Tax.
At basic level : we all know and expect that Tax is kind of essential for development of society and country at large.

However most of us including me crib while we pay taxes.
I completely agree that I use/have used public transport, student passes, scholarship, roads etc govt given things and few of these are kind of subsidised too and yet I crib, I hold myself responsible for my attitude which is Wrong in every manner.Apologies for the same.

However under your tutelage I want to develop my attitude in a better/positive way and better understand about our responsibility to pay taxes.

However, I also would like to express my concerns and reason for this attitude. Please note that these are my genuine feelings and concerns which I have since I've started paying my taxes, I'm not trying to cover myself with below points.

1) I really love to contribute and give back for development of fellow humans, unfortunate ones, animals, country ,all natural and artificial resources we use daily. I feel this is my basic responsibility

2) With the corruption news I hear daily, money laundering, unnecessarily and very high loans given to some companies and so called influential and high profile people, politicians open loot and their unnecessary luxurious lifestyle

All these things happen with the hard earned taxed amount from my pocket. I travel daily in public transport so that I can save money for a better future, reduce air , traffic and noise pollution

But stil taxed money going to wrong hands then why pay? Paying is like supporting them right? And we should not support Anything wrong ,if we do we are also punishable!

Then still how do I convince myself to pay taxes knowing that most of the amount is NOT REACHING THE NEEDFUL..
My hard earned money is not respected :(
:( and except weeping in front of God to reduce tax amounts I don't have anything to do. Government is power full and can do any thing and can show any nonsense proof If go against them :(

3) we also hear that minority communities going to their religious places with govt Paying the fees for their trips. I agree that I eat sheer korma during Ramzan when Friends give me and I also eat Fruit/Plum cakes and candies during Christmas but this no way justifies that my hard earned taxed money should be used to pay for their trips , irrespective of its religious or not. I can't keep quiet just because they are doing good with my money... Going to religious trip is their benefit and of their interest then why do I pay for them?

I also share sweets, murkul etc during dussera and diwali with my other community Friends.

I also agree that they too pay equal taxes as we do but govt/politicians for their own selfish interest and for vote bank is redirecting our money !

Anonymous said...

Govt. can't exploit in the name of taxes...
Can you please go thru below points and see the pain of a common man?

My income - Taxed
My Profession - Taxed
My Purchases - Taxed
My Savings - Taxed
My Pension/PF - Taxed
My Assets/Property - Taxed

If govt taxes so minutely where will our families go?
How can I freely enjoy or spend for my happiness?

We cry and pray to God for a job and to become rich and when we become one we cry about taxes?
I very well remember that desires are a packaged deal but I guess there is a defect in this package!
which can be sorted with divine guidance only!

How to seek help/guidanec from God and divine on Tax issue?
I want to pay certain amount of tax which I can give heartfully or what is effordable for me or what minimal or justifiable amount govt decides.(I know individuals don't decide tax amount. Govt does that but are kind of looting openly)

This way of forcefully exploiting us in the name of taxes is really unfortunate and unfair.
Tax amount is very high too and returns from govt is very less.

Many people are against this but are unable to voice out in lack of guidance.

I remember you posting few weeks back "If you have time to worry, you have time to pray". I/We want to follow your advice and change our behavior / approach towards this.

Can you please enlighten us on this? I'm posting this here so that everyone can learn :)

We need your guidance in approaching this issue with correct attitude etc..

Thank you in advance!

Anonymous said...

Greetings Revathi Mam,

Can you please let us know what is the actual meaning of Lord Shiva's anger?

We often hear that if Lord Shiva gets angry he opens his third eye and with the opening of third eye things get destroyed etc..

It's obvious that its not the same anger that we humans get but what does it actually mean? What is the reason for this behavior or action or leela? & what ever happens to things/people who face his anger how is it justified? I mean generally human's anger causes pain/destruction/loss to both parties involved but God being karuna sagar and always a doer of good for entire universe(his creation) how does his anger or the results of anger justify?

what is that we have to learn from this?

Can you please enlighten us on this?

Also please do write anything else which you feel is important for us to know but I might have missed asking you about it :)

As usual will wait until you complete the topics which you had decided to post about or others have requested before this post.

Thank you in advance!

P.S : Btw I was searching with words "Shiva" or "anger" expecting you might have got a chance to write on this but got few other posts to read.. rejoiced reading them too..

Thank you so much for this blog mam, This has been a torch bearer for all of us and there is sooooooooooo much to learn from this ..

This is one stop center or Go to thing in case of any doubts / issues...

We often here about "Jack of all but master of none" but this blog is Master to all !

Thank you mam, this is the best gift you have given to your shishyas :)

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Thousands of salutations to you! and thousands of salutations & respects to all the time and efforts you take to post things here.

This is the best way to utilize the technology !!!