Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The greatest curse of Kaliyuga – Praising and fault-finding – Me, My Guru


The greatest curse of Kaliyuga – Praising and fault-finding – Me, My Guru

A: I get up daily at 3am to meditate/do yoga/exercise
B: you are great but for us it’s impossible

A: I give 50% of my earnings to charity
B: Great maam! You don’t have family life like us...(?)

By using ‘great’ what exactly are you trying to say?

Are you pleading excuse for not being able to do the needful?

By praising other are we demeaning ourselves so much as to seal our need to live our potential, outgrow our limitation or raise our limitations?

By calling some one great continuously we don’t become great. We ‘become’ great by living their words and actions, ideals and principles. Get inspired by people whom you call ‘great’ and live the possibility”.

Today, she seemed to repeat the same words again and again. Earlier I would’ve judged her but today I saw her desperation to get to us. she knew we weren’t yet with her and so she was taxing around those words so that it would atleast hit us a little but.....

We understood what she was trying to tell. Finding-fault was easier to digest than praising others. No, not because it was some rocket science – on the contrary with the examples that she supplied it was as simple as A for apple and yet..

If we took it simply, it meant we would be totally out there in the open working and living towards our potential. We lost our cover to be ‘where we were’ completely and that by any standard was fearful. Agreed we wanted to heal ourselves but not so much as to leave the comforts of being in this ‘now space of being ourselves’. I don’t know about others but to me it would take long time to let go off this shield of self-preservation – that of fault-finding and praising others. Now when I look back, that didn’t matter, what mattered was ‘would I ever leave this shield?’ As in all matters that mattered and yet I was not strong enough to take ‘right decision’ over ‘pleasant one’ I passed the ball on to ‘time’ saying “only time would tell...!”


reads suggested: https://kantipadam.blogspot.in/search?q=comparison

i am giving you related reads of previous posts so that you may read them and recollect the other aspects of the same topic which we have already dealt with and then get complete picture of the same.....that way you wouldn't pose same questions again and again......

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